Hi guys!
So given that today is actually the year anniversary of when Gratisfied was founded, I wanted to make this email a little more personal with a video.
First of all thank you for the past year, your support, positive feedback and loving the bars as much as we love sharing them. We wouldn’t be where we are as a company without you, and your enthusiasm for the Empower Bars and now V Bars has been beyond amazing.
Secondly, I am so excited about the year ahead. If you follow Gratisfied on social media, you will have seen we have gotten into our first Whole Foods store which opens tomorrow January 30th in Richmond VA! With that announcement, I have received many questions about whether we are expanding to other Whole Foods and other cities for that matter and the short answer is Yes!

We will be working hard over the coming months to bring Gratisfied products to a store near you. When it comes to Whole Foods, every little bit helps and when customers request a product, that can help move the process along.
And on that note, if you have a favorite grocery store or market in your area that would be a good fit for us, please reach out and let me know! I will do my best to make that happen
Lastly, be on the lookout for more bar flavors and products in general! We will hopefully have some exciting launches of other delicious, nutritious, and blood sugar balancing items coming your way in 2020
So with that, I want to thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your support and here is to a healthier food scene where nutrition and convenience can co-exist!